
The House of Councillors unanimously adopts the bill on the Public Services Charter

The House of Councillors unanimously adopts the bill on the Public Services Charter

On Tuesday June 15th, 2021, the House of Councillors adopted in plenary and unanimously the bill n° 54.19 related to the Public Services Charter, presented by the Minister of the Economy, Finance and Administration Reform, Mr. Mohamed Benchaaboun.

This bill builds on the efforts made to improve the performance of public services, through the adoption of the principles and rules of good governance enabling the user to benefit from services that meet their growing needs and aspirations.

It aims to upgrade the functioning and management of public services and to enforce compliance with these principles and rules by all service managers, when performing their duties or in their relations with users.

The objectives of the rules of good governance as defined by this bill relate to the achievement of strategic objectives, the improvement of the system of organization of public services, the promotion of the quality of public services and the facilitation of their access, the performance of public services in the management of their resources, the openness of public services to their environment, both internal and external, the involvement of the various actors in improving services and their quality and anchoring ethical values.

It defines the principles of good governance, namely respect for the right, equality, continuity of rendered services, adaptability, quality, equitable coverage of the national territory, transparency, accountability, probity and openness. It also sets the rules for implementing these principles, which concern performance, relations with users and the moralization of public services.

With regard to performance, the bill stipulates the development of multi-year action plans taking into account the needs of users, territorial specificities and the requirements of sustainable development, together with the relevance of the missions of these services in relation to their general objectives and serving as a basis for the development of the necessary structures, the adoption of the principles of subsidiarity and administrative deconcentration, the programmatic convergence, the pooling of resources and the delivery of integrated services.

In addition, the project emphasizes partnership with the private sector, civil society and non-governmental organizations, and on the modernization of human resources management as well as the rationalization of the resources made available to them. Regarding the relationship of public services with users, the bill establishes rules relating to openness and communication, improving reception conditions and obtaining the services provided by these services, through simplification and the dematerialization of administrative procedures. It also provides for the monitoring of user complaints and the recourse to consensual channels in the resolution of disputes, as well as the measurement of user satisfaction with the quality of the provided services. And in relation to the moralization of public services, this bill includes provisions relating to the rules of conduct that human resources must observe, as well as the development and adoption of programs to strengthen the values of probity and prevention and fight against all forms of corruption.

Finally, the Public Services Charter provides for the establishment of a national public services observatory responsible for assessing the performance level of public services, carrying out studies on their governance as well as the quality of their services and proposing any measure likely to improve their functioning.