Department of Public Enterprises and Privatisation
The Department of Public Enterprises and Privatisation is in charge of:
- Examining the creation of projects of public establishments as well as companies whose capital is fully or jointly subscribed, directly or indirectly by the state, public institutions or public authorities;
- Examining projects of expansion or reduction of the participation of the State, the public institutions and enterprises;
- Participating in the portfolio management of the state, taking and implementing any decision affecting its structure and profitability;
Preparing, in consultation with the concerned ministries, program-agreements to conclude with public institutions and companies to define the relationship between the State and these organisms and monitoring their implementation;
Participating in the development of strategies and conduct of action plans to rationalize public institutions and enterprises;
- Examining investment projects of public institutions and companies in which the State or public establishments and enterprises have a share of the capital, the terms of financing and ensuring their economic and financial profitability;
- Giving its opinion on the external financing of investment projects of public institutions and enterprises;
- Developing and implementing the laws and regulations relating to the financial and accounting control of the State on the public institutions and companies, concessionary companies, as well as companies and organizations receiving financial assistance from the state or the public authorities;
- Deciding, after the approval of the Prime Minister, and launching in conjunction with the relevant departments, all external audits of public institutions and companies, monitoring and ensuring the implementation of the recommendations of the said audits and adopted decisions;
- Assessing and reporting on performance of the public institutions and companies management and developing for this purpose, a bank of economic, financial and social data on the public sector in government service;
- Implementing and monitoring the actions assigned to the Ministry of Economy and Finance in terms of accounting standardization and organization and ensuring the secretariat of the National Council of accounting;
- Requiring from the managers of public institutions and enterprises all documents, studies, information and data concerning the said entities;
- Monitoring the works and the implementation of decisions of the boards of public institutions and enterprises;
- Preparing, in consultation with the concerned departments, the general program of transfers of public enterprises to the private sector;
- Ensuring the preparation of the evaluation report to be submitted to the assessment body;
- Submitting, for approval, to the Committee, transfers, transfer scheme of enterprises to be privatized;
- Organizing commercial actions to be undertaken to ensure the best conditions for carrying out transfer operations;
- Studying the accompanying measures required to the transfer of companies;
- Establishing contracts, orders and other documents relating to the transfer of the privatized enterprises;
- Ensuring the post-privatization follow-up of the enterprises in accordance with the contract specifications or remits;
- Ensuring the secretariat of the Committee of transfers;
- Developing and managing information systems, in harmony with the policy of information management developed by the Ministry.