
Seminar on the presentation of the new version of the Report on Gender-Responsive and Results–Based Budgeting

Seminar on the presentation of the new version of the Report on Gender-Responsive and Results–Based Budgeting

The Department of Studies and Financial Forecasts (DEPF), together with the Gender Responsive Budgeting Center of Excellence (CE-BSG) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment Women (UN-Women) held a seminar, Friday, July 19th 2019 in Rabat to introduce the new framework of the Report on Gender-Responsive and Results–Based Budgeting (GRRB).

This seminar aims at presenting and discussing the outcomes of the (GRRB) redesign project. It focused on the major results of the diagnosis on the progress in the implementation and reporting of the Gender-Responsive Budgeting in Morocco, as well as the proposed recommendations to improve the (GRRB) content and make it a real strategic tool for monitoring and assessing gender policies, in compliance with the provisions of the new Organic Law on the Finance Act (LOF).

This event was characterized by a fruitful debate whose main conclusions focused on the need to keep the (GRRB) development processes and the Departmental Performance Scheme in line, to use sector-based gender assessment that should be the starting point for gender-responsive programming, to maintain a continuous and regular process of strengthening the capacity of government departments for Gender Responsive Budgeting and to strengthen the involvement of ministerial top management.

This meeting, chaired by the Director of Studies and Financial Forecasts, the National Director of the (CE-BSG) and the Resident Representative of UN Women, was attended by all stakeholders involved in the development of the (GRRB), namely, units responsible for programs, financial affairs and gender focal points of the ministerial departments involved in gender budgeting, which are 35 departments.