
Seminar to present the results of the study entitled : the effects of fiscal policy on poverty and inequalities in Morocco

Seminar to present the results of the study entitled : the effects of fiscal policy on poverty and inequalities in Morocco

The Directorate of Studies and Financial Forcasts (DEPF), the National Monitoring Center for Human Development (ONDH) and the French Agency for Development (AFD), held Tuesday 24th September 2019 in the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST), a seminar on the presentation of the prelimenary results of the study entitled : the effects of fiscal policy on poverty and inequalities in Morocco ».

This study, achieved with the support of European Union, is the outcome of collaborative work between the aforementioned three institutions. The study is buit on a new approach based on an analytic framework developed by the Institute "Engagement pour l’Equité" (CEQ), with the support of data from the household panel survey phase 2017 » of the (ONDH).

Applying this analytical framework in Morocco proved useful to highlight several key issues related to budget policies including in particular the degree of the progress of taxes and transfers, the number of direct and indirect beneficiaries from budget spendings on the same basis as identifying social classes who bear the tax burden.

Based upon the diagnosis results, the study enabled to identify some solutions levers that might enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of fiscal policy in addressing poverty and inequalities.

Debates during this meeting included some methodological and conceptual issues related to the study as well as the recommendations made with a view to boost the redistributive impact of fiscal policy in Morocco.

Other important issues were raised including particularly the need to position the fiscal policy reforms at the core of the debate on the national new development model.

This seminar was characterized by delegates from international bodies, senior officials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in addition to others from government departments and national bodies involved as well as academic experts.