
Closing seminar on the institutional twinning contract for the implementation of the LOF

Closing seminar on the institutional twinning contract for the implementation of the LOF

The Ministry of Economy and Finance holds, Thursday, July 11th 2019 in Rabat, a closing seminar on the institutional twinning arrangement entitled "Support for the implementation of the (LOF) Organic Law on the Finance Act.

Amounting to 1,635,092.22 dollars, this twinning program was signed, July 18th 2014 with the French Agency for International Expertise "Expertise France". It is part of the project "Support for the implementation of the new governance framework" signed, October 29th 2013 and set up as part of the Deauville partnership, managed by the World Bank.

For a period of 5 years, this agreement supported the reform of the (LOF) by providing public expertise and technical assistance to the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Thus, three activities were included when undertaking this reform through support for the development of new rules and regulations for the implementation of the LOF, support for the implementation of the LOF in the Ministries, providing the necessary expertise, advice and training as well as the development of a system for monitoring and evaluating performance.

This seminar, which brings together the various project stakeholders, aims to report on the outcomes of the activities carried out and the results obtained and make recommendations for the sustainability of this program achievements.

This event is attended by representatives of the World Bank, Expertise France, the European Union, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry Delegate to the Head of Government, in charge of General Affairs and Governance, the Ministry of Housing and City Policy, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water.

It is noted that the LOF n ° 130-13 that came into effect in June 2nd 2015, focuses, in a coherent and interdependent set, on provisions allowing the implementation of an efficient, transparent and democratic budget management. It aims at three basic goals:

  • Strengthening the effectiveness, efficiency and coherence of public policies, and improving the quality of the public service and the accountability of managers;
  • The issuance of principles and financial rules on the financial balance of the Finance Act and the establishment of a set of rules to improve budget readability and strengthening the transparency of public finances;
  • ​Giving the Parliament a greater role in the budget debate as well as in the control and assessment of public policies.​