This ceremony was held in the
presence of Mr. Mohamed YATIM, Minister of Employment and Vocational
Integration. This Program supports the National Employment and
Vocational Training Strategies as well as the National Employment
Promotion Plan, and aims to contribute to improving the living
conditions of the Moroccan population through inclusive access to
employment and the development of skills.
On this occasion, the
Minister of Economy and Finance was pleased by the level and quality of
cooperation relations between Morocco and the African Development Bank,
and thanked this institution which is represented by Mrs. Leila FARAH
MOKADDEM, for the invaluable and constant support it provides to Morocco
for the implementation of the necessary structural reforms.
the end of this signing, the Minister of Economy and Finance and Mrs.
Leila FARAH MOKADDEM reaffirmed their willingness to work more to
strengthen this exemplary cooperation.