The Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr. Mohamed BOUSSAID, presented the framework of the preparation of the Finance Bill 2019 (PLF) before the government Council which met Thursday, July 12th 2018 in Rabat.
According to Mr. BOUSSAID, The year 2019 will be characterized by restraints and challenges related namely to a rise in protectionist trends at the level of global economy and the increase in oil prices.
These restraints also include the expectations of the national economic environment in light of challenges associated with private investment and taxe revenues, as well as the expectations of citizens who look forward to improving the quality of services and increasing the purchasing power, added the Minister.
These constraints impose a clear identification of priorities on the government, namely the enshrinement of the social and economic function of the PLF 2019 and the pursuit of structural reforms particularly with regard to advanced regionalization and the legal sytem reform, he concluded. These priorities should also address the reduction of social and spacial disparities, the support of national business, especially small and medium-sized entreprises, boosting private investment and consumer protection, as well as the persuit of reforms related to the retirement system, education and health, with a particular focus on the fight against youth unemployment, the extension of the social security regime and the fight against corruption.
Mr. BOUSSAID also presented a number of indicators which demonstrate implicitly « the special efforts » made in the context of the implementation of the Finance Act 2018, namely the tax effort to support business and overcome the VAT credits issue, as well as grants dedicated to social sectors, particularly education, health and employment.
Mr. BOUSSAID also stredded efforts for supporting public investment and reducing Treasury's debts. He stated that he will present, during the next government council, the indicator figures of the implementation of the current Finance Act.