
Launching of a new co-financing product dedicated to the industrial companies

Launching of a new co-financing product dedicated to the industrial companies

Within the framework of the Plan for Accelerating Industrial Development 2014-2020, the Central Guarantee Fund (CCG) launched, in partnership with banks, a new product for industrial enterprises. "Dev Industry", is a new product that will help further strengthen the development of this strategic sector for the national economy and improve the competitiveness of SMEs in this sector in a global market. "Dev Industry" provides funding jointly with banks, in advantageous terms, both start-ups, development and upgrades projects promoted by SMEs having industrial activities or services related to industry.

This new product will allow target companies to profit from attractive financing terms: the CCG provides credit that can represent 40% of the investment program with a ceiling of 10 million dirhams at the rate of 2% duty free annually combined with a bank loan at least of the same amount at a freely negotiable rate between the bank and the company making it possible for the latter to benefit from a reduced ultimate output rate

The joint funding focuses on tangible and / or intangible investments and other expenses related to the implementation of the investment project.

It should be recalled that "Dev Industry" product will strengthen the offer of co-financing "Tamwil” fund set up by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and managed by the Central Guarantee Fund. The "Dev Industry" product is offered by the banking sector...