
Signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement between the General Treasury of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Directorate of Public Accounting and Recovery of the Republic of Tunisia

Signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement between the General Treasury of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Directorate of Public Accounting and Recovery of the Republic of Tunisia

To increase friendly contacts, and strengthen the will to consolidate the basis for cooperation in strategic areas, Mr.Nizar BARAKA chaired Monday, February 4th 2013 at the headquarters of the MEF, a signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement between the General Treasury of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Directorate of Public Accounting and Recovery of the Republic of Tunisia.

This agreement comes in the context of strengthening technical cooperation, openness and exchange of experiences and expertise between the two parties in order to standardize management procedures in the fields of financial accounting system of the State and local authorities in the two countries.

Moreover, the Tunisian delegation in Morocco takes this opportunity to be more familiar with the Moroccan experience with regard to privatization, compensation and Tobacco products.

Noted that the high-level Tunisian delegation is made up of Mr. Noureddine KAABI, Advisor to the Head of Government; Mr. Mohammed SELIM BOSSBOSS, Secretary of State to the Minister of Finance; Mr. Abdellatif DECHRAOUI, Head of the Public Accounting and Recovery; Mr. Reda OURIR, Treasurer General of the Republic of Tunisia and Mr.Fergani DOGHMANE, Vice President of the Finance Committee in the National Constituent Assembly.