
4th Forum on Electronic Administration

4th Forum on Electronic Administration

Rabat hosted on Thursday, December 4th 2008, the fourth edition of the forum on Electronic Administration under the title An Integrated Administration at the Service of the Citizen. His Excellency the Prime Minister officially opened the event. In hid opening speech, he thanked the different actors involved in the development of e-administration, which has become now as a corollary to the performance of the public sector. It is becoming a necessary tool to face up to the challenges of good governance, economic competitiveness and social and human development.

The speeches of the Minister of Trade, Industry and New Technologies of Information and the Minister of Modernisation of the Public Sector focussed on the necessity to contain and coordinate the effort at the tran-sectoral level, and at the same time benefit from the different successful experiences from around the world. Electronic administration is a collective act wherein the effort and initiatives of all should converge. And this forum is praised basically because it is a platform of dialogue and discussion among the different partners of this innovative project that prepares the country for the real challenges of the future.

Aware of the stakes at play, the Moroccan government highly prioritised the development of technologies and made it at the centre of its preoccupations. So it designed a national strategy aiming at transparency, simplification of administrative procedures and mainly making up for the country`s digital gap in view of democratising ITC access and creating an atmosphere of trust between the administration and its users.

The ceremony of handing E-MTIAZ award was an important moment in the forum as it is one of its essential components and a symbol of success of a certain niche market in e-services. The Prime Minister handed the 2008 Prize of the Jury to the General Direction of National Security for its biometric card. The E-MTIAZ Prize went to RCAR for its 0 paper and quality process certification and the Incitement Prize went to CNOPS, for its online services and the improvement of its quality services.

The plenary sessions were marked by prestigious national and foreign speakers, who contributed in the forum by exposing their expertise and experience in the field.

A rich programme and interesting discussions characterized this forum, which was chaired by distinguished moderators. The closing ceremony ended by the writing up of a synthesis report of the forum.