MOROCCO : Economic and Financial Data
            Date of last update:
            July 22, 2024
The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund’s Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). Some of prescribed breakdowns (underlined items) are shown on additional webpages rather than on the main page. For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Morocco has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page at            
  [Real Sector] [Fiscal Sector] [Financial Sector] [External Debt] [External Sector] [Population]
Data Category and Component Unit Latest Period Data for Latest Period Data for Previous Period % Change Other Information   (Hyperlink)
Real Sector
I- National Accounts             Haut Commissariat au Plan
a) GDP at constant prices (2014)   MDH   Q1/24 313.356 315.176 -0,6  
Agriculture and forestry   MDH   Q1/24 27.058 26.586 1,8  
Fishing   MDH   Q1/24 1.371 985 39,3  
Mining and quarrying   MDH   Q1/24 6.004 5.921 1,4  
Manufacturing   MDH   Q1/24 44.591 48.799 -8,6  
Electricity, gas, and water supply ; sewerage and waste management   MDH   Q1/24 8.489 8.568 -0,9  
Construction   MDH   Q1/24 15.574 15.781 -1,3  
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles   MDH   Q1/24 31.512 30.370 3,8  
Transportation and storage   MDH   Q1/24 8.218 8.525 -3,6  
Accommodation and food service activities   MDH   Q1/24 11.042 11.700 -5,6  
Information and communication   MDH   Q1/24 9.880 9.518 3,8  
Financial and insurance activities   MDH   Q1/24 16.420 16.772 -2,1    
Real estate activities   MDH   Q1/24 21.282 21.238 0,2    
Professional, scientific and technical activities ; Administrative and support service activities   MDH   Q1/24 15.840 16.778 -5,6    
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security   MDH   Q1/24 34.224 32.730 4,6    
Education, human health and social work activities   MDH   Q1/24 24.853 23.982 3,6  
Other service activities   MDH   Q1/24 5.201 4.443 17,1  
b) GDP at current prices   MDH   Q1/24 370.083 376.498 -1,7  
Agriculture and forestry   MDH   Q1/24 37.386 40.468 -7,6  
Fishing   MDH   Q1/24 2.167 1.467 47,7  
Mining and quarrying   MDH   Q1/24 6.777 7.627 -11,1  
Manufacturing   MDH   Q1/24 53.380 56.199 -5,0  
Electricity, gas, and water supply ; sewerage and waste management   MDH   Q1/24 9.238 8.656 6,7  
Construction   MDH   Q1/24 20.018 22.382 -10,6  
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles   MDH   Q1/24 39.089 41.376 -5,5  
Transportation and storage   MDH   Q1/24 10.538 13.323 -20,9  
Accommodation and food service activities   MDH   Q1/24 14.072 14.903 -5,6  
Information and communication   MDH   Q1/24 8.873 8.456 4,9  
Financial and insurance activities   MDH   Q1/24 17.739 17.243 2,9  
Real estate activities   MDH   Q1/24 24.049 23.803 1,0    
Professional, scientific and technical activities ; Administrative and support service activities   MDH   Q1/24 19.986 20.923 -4,5    
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security   MDH   Q1/24 35.147 34.096 3,1    
Education, human health and social work activities   MDH   Q1/24 26.535 24.997 6,2    
Other service activities   MDH   Q1/24 6.019 5.031 19,6    
II- Production index              
  Manufacturing production index 2015=100   Q1/24 116,5 132,4 -12,0  
III- Labour Market             
  Active population employed Thousands   Q1/24 10.337 10.519 -1,7    
  Unemployement rate   %   Q1/24 13,7% 13,3%      
   Wages index 2004=100   Q1/24 163,2 162,6 0,4  
IV- Price Indices                
  Consumer prices   2017=100 Jun/24 119,0 118,5 0,4  
  Producer prices   2018=100 May/24 117,5 117,4 0,1  
Fiscal Sector
I- General Government or Public Sector Operations           Ministry of Economy and Finance
Revenue MDH 2019 420.584 412.721 7.863  
Expense MDH 2019 378.053 358.664 19.389  
Net operating balance MDH 2019 42.531 54.057 -11.526  
Net investment in nonfinancial assests MDH 2019 74.627 75.989 -1.362  
Net lending/net borrowing MDH 2019 -32.096 -21.932 -10.164  
Net acquisition of financial assets MDH 2019 27.213 28.073 -860  
Net incurrence of liabilities MDH 2019 59.309 50.006 9.303  
II- Central Government Operations *             Ministry of Economy and Finance
1- Revenues   MDH May/24 135.349 123.003 10,0    
2- Current expenditures   MDH May/24 127.686 126.015 1,3    
  Of which : interest on domestic debt   MDH May/24 8.088 10.076 -19,7    
                      interest on external debt   MDH May/24 4.287 2.397 78,9    
3-(Surplus+/Deficit-) balance   MDH May/24 -17.646 -24.941 -29,2    
4-Net Domestic Financing   MDH May/24 15.054 -549      
   Banks   May/24 7.758 27.181    
   Other   May/24        
5-Net Foreign Financing   MDH May/24          
III- Central Government Debt             Ministry of Economy and Finance
1- Outstanding debt by maturity                
 Domestic debt   MDH   Q1/24               793.034,1                  763.045,5                         3,93      
  Short-term debt (< 1 year)   MDH   Q1/24               111.987,7                  106.430,0                         5,22      
  Medium and long-term debt (> 1 year)   MDH   Q1/24               681.046,4                  656.615,5                         3,72      
 External debt   MDH   Q1/24 260.981,4 253.618,3 2,9    
  Short-term debt (< 1 year)   MDH   Q1/24 21.853,0 21.239,0 2,9    
  Medium and long-term debt (> 1 year)   MDH   Q1/24 239.128,4 232.379,3 2,9    
 Total outstanding debt   MDH   Q1/24 1.054.015,5 1.016.663,8 3,7    
2- Outstanding external debt by currency              
 * Dollar US   MDH   Q1/24 92.098,2 91.212,0 1,0    
 * Euro   MDH   Q1/24 153.781,5 150.216,6 2,4    
 * Japanese Yen   MDH   Q1/24 3.630,8 3.863,3 -6,0    
 * Other currencies   MDH   Q1/24 11.470,9 8.326,4 37,8    
3- Outstanding guaranteed debt   MDH   Q1/24 154.689,0 155.623,8 -0,60    
         Domestic   MDH   Q1/24                    30.609                        30.827   -0,71  
         External   MDH   Q1/24 124.080,1 124.797,3 -0,6  
Financial Sector
A/ Depository Corporations Survey             Bank Al-Maghrib
M1 MDH May/24 1.303.750 1.300.732 0,2    
M2 MDH May/24 1.489.169 1.486.003 0,2    
M3 MDH May/24 1.779.594 1.770.407 0,5    
 Net Foreign Assets MDH May/24 379.693 369.210 2,8    
Claims on nonresidents MDH May/24 459.288 447.262 2,7  
Liabilities to nonresidents MDH May/24 79.595 78.052 2,0  
Domestic claims MDH May/24 1.658.997 1.651.950 0,4    
               -  Net claims on central government MDH May/24 336.237 327.898 2,5    
                - Claims on other sectors MDH May/24 1.322.759 1.324.053 -0,1    
Claims on state and local government MDH May/24 26.467 26.371 0,4  
Claims on other financial corporations MDH May/24 354.141 358.438 -1,2  
Claims on public nonfinancial corporations MDH May/24 90.603 92.448 -2,0  
Claims on private sector MDH May/24 851.548 846.796 0,6  
Less : resources of a non monetary nature MDH May/24 294.184 292.600 0,5  
         other items (net) MDH May/24 48.265 41.508 16,3  
B/ Central Bank Survey           Bank Al-Maghrib
Claims on nonresidents MDH Jun/24 368.801 373.308 -1,2  
Liabilities to nonresidents MDH Jun/24 35.792 36.401 -1,7  
Claims on other depository corporations MDH Jun/24 137.719 122.363 12,5  
Net claims on central government MDH Jun/24 12.415 10.310 20,4  
Claims on other sectors MDH Jun/24 1.248 1.219 2,3  
Monetary base MDH Jun/24 466.300 452.579 3,0  
Other liabilities to other depository corporations MDH Jun/24 0 0 0,0  
Less : resources of a non monetary nature MDH Jun/24 19.313 19.408 -0,5  
Other items (net) MDH Jun/24 -1.222 -1.188 2,9  
C/ Interest Rates (Daily)             Bank Al-Maghrib
 Main money market rates              
 Government bond yield              
D/ Stock Exchange index (Daily)              
 Stock exchange             Casablanca Stock Exchange
External Sector
A- Balance of payments **             Office des Changes
 Current account   MDH   Q1/24 3.178 -1.753 4.931,0  
  Exports of goods (FOB)   MDH   Q1/24 161.422 163.696 -2.274,0  
  Imports of goods (FOB)   MDH   Q1/24 -186.541 -196.611 10.070,0  
  Goods: credit   MDH   Q1/24 98.212 99.558 -1.346,0  
  Goods: debit   MDH   Q1/24 -151.188 -163.140 11.952,0  
  Services: credit   MDH   Q1/24 63.210 64.138 -928,0  
  Services: debit   MDH   Q1/24 -35.353 -33.471 -1.882,0  
  Primary Income: credit   MDH   Q1/24 1.910 3.379 -1.469,0  
  Primary Income: debit   MDH   Q1/24 -5.501 -7.373 1.872,0  
  Secondary Income: credit   MDH   Q1/24 33.596 36.858 -3.262,0  
  Secondary Income: debit   MDH   Q1/24 -1.708 -1.702 -6,0  
 Capital account   MDH   Q1/24 0 0 0,0  
  Capital account: credit   MDH   Q1/24 0 0 0,0  
  Capital account: debit   MDH   Q1/24 0 0 0,0  
 Financial account    MDH   Q1/24 -1.975 -2.662 687,0  
  Direct investment: assets   MDH   Q1/24 -45 1.325 -1.370,0  
  Direct investment: liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 -6.116 -248 -5.868,0  
  Portfolio investment: assets   MDH   Q1/24 532 1.321 -789,0  
  Portfolio investment: liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 1.083 -744 1.827,0  
  Financial Derrivatives: assets   MDH   Q1/24 -460 -597 137,0  
  Financial Derrivatives: liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 433 637 -204,0  
  Other investment: assets   MDH   Q1/24 -2.622 2.196 -4.818,0  
  Other investment: liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 6.319 -6.012 12.331,0  
  Reserve assets   MDH   Q1/24 -1.099 -540 -559,0  
 Net errors and omissions   MDH   Q1/24 -5.153 -909 -4.244,0  
B- International reserves and foreign currency liquidity             Bank Al-Maghrib
 I- International reserves              
Gold MDH Jun/24 16.514 16.583 -0,4  
SDR's MDH Jun/24 19.655 19.745 -0,5    
Foreign currencies MDH Jun/24 327.996 332.355 -1,3    
IMF reserve position MDH Jun/24 1.968 1.977 -0,5    
Total MDH Jun/24 366.133 370.659 -1,2    
 II- Reserves Template    May/24        
C- Merchandise Trade            Office des Changes
 Total exports (FOB)   MDH May/24 40.598 37.367 8,6    
 Total imports (CAF)   MDH May/24 67.846 65.388 3,8    
D- International Investment position             Office des Changes
Direct investment    MDH   Q1/24 -612.091,1 -598.453,1 2,3  
Assets   MDH   Q1/24 86.694,8 87.096,8 -0,5  
 Equity and investment fund shares    MDH   Q1/24               74.055,80                  73.766,20   0,4  
  Direct investor in direct investment  enterprises   MDH   Q1/24               74.055,80                  73.766,20   0,4  
 Debt instruments   MDH   Q1/24               12.638,98                  13.330,61   -5,2  
  Direct investor in direct investment enterprises   MDH   Q1/24               12.638,98                  13.330,61   -5,2  
Liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 698.785,9 685.549,9 1,9  
 Equity and investment fund shares    MDH   Q1/24            614.572,00                604.308,10   1,7  
  Direct investor in direct investment  enterprises   MDH   Q1/24            614.572,00                604.308,10   1,7  
 Debt instruments   MDH   Q1/24               84.213,87                  81.241,80   3,7  
  Direct investor in direct investment enterprises   MDH   Q1/24               84.213,87                  81.241,80   3,7  
Portfolio investment    MDH   Q1/24 -145.341,6 -142.987,3 1,6  
Assets   MDH   Q1/24 12.506,0 11.942,2 4,7  
 Equity and investment fund shares    MDH   Q1/24               12.080,40                  11.522,10   4,8  
 Deposit-taking corporations, except central bank   MDH   Q1/24                    984,40                        982,20   0,2  
 Other sectors   MDH   Q1/24               11.096,00                  10.539,90   5,3  
  Other financial corporations   MDH   Q1/24                 3.153,40                     2.610,40   20,8  
  Nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs   MDH   Q1/24                 7.942,60                     7.929,50   0,2  
 Debt securities    MDH   Q1/24                    425,60                        420,10   1,3  
 Deposit-taking corporations, except central bank   MDH   Q1/24                    170,00                        169,60   0,2  
 Other sectors   MDH   Q1/24                    255,60                        250,50   2,0  
  Other financial corporations   MDH   Q1/24                    255,60                        250,50   2,0  
  Nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs   MDH   Q1/24                              -                                   -     -  
Liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 157.847,6 154.929,5 1,9  
 Equity and investment fund shares    MDH   Q1/24               39.034,60                  36.773,50   6,1  
 Deposit-taking corporations, except central bank   MDH   Q1/24               13.808,90                  12.543,50   10,1  
 Other sectors   MDH   Q1/24               25.225,70                  24.230,00   4,1  
  Other financial corporations   MDH   Q1/24                 3.004,70                     2.908,90   3,3  
  Nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs   MDH   Q1/24               22.221,00                  21.321,10   4,2  
 Debt securities    MDH   Q1/24            118.813,00                118.156,00   0,6  
 Deposit-taking corporations, except central bank   MDH   Q1/24                              -                                   -      -  
 General government   MDH   Q1/24               86.592,00                  86.558,00   0,0  
 Other sectors   MDH   Q1/24               32.221,00                  31.598,00   2,0  
  Nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs   MDH   Q1/24               32.221,00                  31.598,00   2,0  
Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options    MDH   Q1/24 300,1 339,3 -11,6  
Assets   MDH   Q1/24 440,0 599,8 -26,6  
Liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 139,9 260,5 -46,3  
Other investment    MDH   Q1/24 -403.720,9 -407.080,7 -0,8  
 Other equity    MDH   Q1/24 4.720,0 4.658,9 1,3  
Assets   MDH   Q1/24 4.720,0 4.658,9 1,3  
Liabilities   MDH   Q1/24                              -                                   -     -  
 Currency and deposits    MDH   Q1/24 24.281,3 19.410,8 25,1  
Assets   MDH   Q1/24 63.540,4 65.029,6 -2,3  
 Central banks   MDH   Q1/24                    372,50                     1.639,80   -77,3  
 Deposit-taking corporations, except central bank   MDH   Q1/24               60.762,30                  60.663,20   0,2  
 Other sectors   MDH   Q1/24                 2.405,60                     2.726,60   -11,8  
  Other financial corporations   MDH   Q1/24                       96,50                          96,00   0,5  
  Nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs   MDH   Q1/24                 2.309,10                     2.630,60   -12,2  
Liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 39.259,1 45.618,8 -13,9  
 Central banks   MDH   Q1/24                 2.547,70                     2.583,30   -1,4  
 Deposit-taking corporations, except central bank   MDH   Q1/24               36.711,40                  43.035,50   -14,7  
 Loans    MDH   Q1/24 -370.519,0 -366.972,5 1,0  
Assets   MDH   Q1/24 380,0 637,5 -40,4  
 Deposit-taking corporations, except central bank   MDH   Q1/24                    380,00                        637,50   -40,4  
Liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 370.899,0 367.610,0 0,9  
 Central banks   MDH   Q1/24               17.949,60                  19.899,60   -9,8  
 Deposit-taking corporations, except central bank   MDH   Q1/24                 9.221,10                     9.835,70   -6,2  
 General government   MDH   Q1/24            177.409,00                170.092,00   4,3  
 Other sectors   MDH   Q1/24            166.319,30                167.782,70   -0,9  
  Other financial corporations   MDH   Q1/24                    535,70                        626,30   -14,5  
  Nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs   MDH   Q1/24            165.783,60                167.156,40   -0,8  
 Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes    MDH   Q1/24 1.074,2 1.251,0 -14,1  
Assets   MDH   Q1/24 4.325,6 4.531,6 -4,5  
Liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 3.251,4 3.280,6 -0,9  
 Trade credit and advances    MDH   Q1/24 -44.247,0 -46.529,0 -4,9  
Assets   MDH   Q1/24 38.589,0 39.313,0 -1,8  
 Other sectors   MDH   Q1/24               38.589,00                  39.313,00   -1,8  
   Nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs   MDH   Q1/24               38.589,00                  39.313,00   -1,8  
Liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 82.836,0 85.842,0 -3,5  
 Other sectors   MDH   Q1/24               82.836,00                  85.842,00   -3,5  
  Nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs   MDH   Q1/24               82.836,00                  85.842,00   -3,5  
 Special drawing rights  (Net incurrence of liabilities)   MDH   Q1/24 -70,0 -70,0 0,0  
Liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 0,0 0,0 0,0  
 Special drawing rights  (Net incurrence of liabilities)   MDH   Q1/24 70,0 70,0 0,0  
 Other accounts receivable / payable   MDH   Q1/24 -18.960,4 -18.829,9 0,7  
Assets   MDH   Q1/24 18.960,4 18.829,9 0,7  
Liabilities   MDH   Q1/24               18.960,40                  18.829,90   0,7  
Reserve assets    MDH   Q1/24 361.957,8 359.411,8 0,7  
Net International Investment Position   MDH   Q1/24 -798.895,7 -788.770,0 1,3  
E- Exchange rate (quotidien)             Bank Al-Maghrib
I - General Government   MDH   Q1/24 264.001,6 256.650,0 2,9% Ministry of Economy and Finance
a) Short-term   MDH   Q1/24 0,0 0,0      
   Money market instruments   MDH   Q1/24          
   Loans   MDH   Q1/24          
   Trade credits   MDH   Q1/24        
   Other debt liabilities   MDH   Q1/24          
b) Long term   MDH   Q1/24 264.001,6 256.650,0 2,9%    
   Bonds and notes   MDH   Q1/24 86.592,1 86.557,6 0,0%    
   Loans   MDH   Q1/24 177.409,5 170.092,4 4,3%    
   Trade credits   MDH   Q1/24        
   Other debt liabilities   MDH   Q1/24          
II - Monetary Authorities   MDH   Q1/24 39.873,2 41.451,9 -3,8% Bank Al-Maghrib
a) Short-term   MDH   Q1/24 2.547,7 2.583,3 -1,4%    
   Money market instruments   MDH   Q1/24          
   Loans   MDH   Q1/24          
   Currency and deposits   MDH   Q1/24 2.547,7 2.583,3 -1,4%    
   Other debt liabilities   MDH   Q1/24          
b) Long term   MDH   Q1/24 37.325,5 38.868,6 -4,0%    
   Bonds and notes   MDH   Q1/24          
   Loans   MDH   Q1/24 18.365,1 20.038,7      
   Currency and deposits   MDH   Q1/24          
   Other debt liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 18.960,4 18.829,9 0,7%    
III - Banks   MDH   Q1/24 20.915,2 23.813,9 -12,2% Bank Al-Maghrib
a) Short-term   MDH   Q1/24 9.771,0 12.084,2 -19,1%    
   Money market instruments   MDH   Q1/24          
   Loans   MDH   Q1/24 6.564,9 8.938,1 -26,6%    
   Currency and deposits   MDH   Q1/24 2.994,2 2.934,1 2,0%    
   Other debt liabilities   MDH   Q1/24 212,0 212,0 0,0%    
b) Long term   MDH   Q1/24 11.144,1 11.729,7 -5,0%    
   Bonds and notes   MDH   Q1/24          
   Loans   MDH   Q1/24 11.144,1 11.729,7 -5,0%    
   Currency and deposits   MDH   Q1/24          
   Other debt liabilities   MDH   Q1/24          
IV - Other Sectors   MDH   Q1/24 281.375,5 285.222,6 -1,3%    
A- State owned entreprises debt and publicly guaranteed debt    MDH   Q1/24 176.542,2 177.332,9 -0,4% Ministry of Economy and Finance
a) Short-term   MDH   Q1/24 0,0 0,0      
   Money market instruments   MDH   Q1/24          
   Loans   MDH   Q1/24          
   Currency and deposits   MDH   Q1/24          
   Trade credits   MDH   Q1/24        
   Other debt liabilities   MDH   Q1/24          
b) Long term   MDH   Q1/24 176.542,2 177.332,9 -0,4%    
   Bonds and notes   MDH   Q1/24 32.221,2 31.598,1 2,0%    
   Loans   MDH   Q1/24 144.321,0 145.734,8 -1,0%    
   Currency and deposits   MDH   Q1/24          
   Trade credits   MDH   Q1/24        
   Other debt liabilities   MDH   Q1/24          
B- Private debt non guaranteed by the Government   MDH   Q1/24 104.833,3 107.889,7 -2,8% Office des Changes
a) Short-term   MDH   Q1/24 82.836,0 85.842,0 -3,5%    
   Money market instruments   MDH   Q1/24          
   Loans   MDH   Q1/24 0,0 0,0 -    
   Currency and deposits   MDH   Q1/24          
   Trade credits   MDH   Q1/24 82.836,0 85.842,0 -3,5%  
   Other debt liabilities   MDH   Q1/24          
b) Long term   MDH   Q1/24 21.997,3 22.047,7 -0,2%    
   Bonds and notes   MDH   Q1/24          
   Loans   MDH   Q1/24 21.997,3 22.047,7 -0,2%    
   Currency and deposits   MDH   Q1/24          
   Trade credits   MDH   Q1/24 0,0 0,0 -  
   Other debt liabilities   MDH   Q1/24          
V - Direct Investment   MDH   Q1/24 84.213,9 82.241,8 2,4%    
 Debt liabilities to direct investors   MDH   Q1/24 84.213,9 82.241,8 2,4%    
Gross external debt   MDH   Q1/24 690.379,4 689.380,2 0,1%    
 Population   Thousands 2014 33.848 29.892 13,2 Haut Commissariat au Plan
  * For Central Governement Operations, "Previous Period" refers to the same period of the last year.
** The Balance of Payments is established according to the sixth edition of the IMF Manual.
     Changes in balances are expressed in millions of dirhams (MDH).